
2017-logoThe theme for the annual 2015 convention is GeoScience – New Horizons. “GeoScience” emphasizes that GeoConvention encourages paper and poster presentations that integrate geology, geophysics and well-log analysis. “New Horizons” captures our efforts to constantly move beyond the limit or scope of our current knowledge, but it also relates to the geologic horizons and plays that are important to our industry today and tomorrow.

What is The GeoConvention Partnership?

The GeoConvention Partnership is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the annual joint conventions. The board consists of three representatives from the CSEG, three from the CSPG and one from the CWLS and is the first such partnership of the three societies. The CSPG, CSEG and CWLS will collaborate on future conventions under the mandate of improving both the technical and operational aspects of the convention program.